Meet 10Clouds’ Neurodiversity Ambassador

21.06.2023 | 4 min read

Research from Gartner indicates that teams operating in a highly diverse environment can achieve performance improvements of up to 30%. At 10Clouds, we are actively fostering a culture where our team members have a deep understanding that neurological differences are a reality, and we provide them with the necessary training to effectively navigate the challenges that arise from these differences. This enables us to collaborate harmoniously, leveraging our diverse perspectives to achieve outstanding outcomes.
As a testament to our commitment, we are proud to have received official recognition from AsperIT as the first certified neurodiverse-friendly employer in Poland after a comprehensive audit conducted in November 2022.
We’re now sharing our experience and learnings with other companies to show them the benefits of embracing neurodiversity in dedicated workshops and training sessions led by Ola Szlachcikowska.

Ola is an educator, certified ILM coach, PRISM® Brain Mapping practitioner, and promoter of the idea of neurodiversity in business. Her areas of expertise are implementing development programs, facilitation and coaching. As well as being a Learning & Development Manager at 10Clouds, she’s also our Neurodiversity Ambassador implementing neurodiverse-friendly adjustments and solutions into the company’s processes.

Educating the company about neurodiversity

Ola believes that becoming a truly neurodiversity-friendly company begins with education – and this shouldn't just be directed to company leaders, but should encompass every employee. At 10Clouds, we recognized the importance of educating our entire workforce, and we partnered with AsperIT to provide valuable resources and training.

Ola recommends that companies embarking on a similar journey should consider creating a range of resources to facilitate learning, including:

Neurodiversity statistics – This data can provide valuable insights and show the prevalence of neurodiversity in our society.

Neurodiversity myth buster – This can address common misconceptions about neurodiversity and offer accurate information to counter them.

Glossary – To facilitate communication, create a neurodiversity glossary that defines key terms and concepts. This resource will help employees familiarize themselves with the terminology associated with neurodiversity.

Information about environment adjustments –  Outline specific adjustments that can be made in the workplace to create a more inclusive and supportive atmosphere for neurodiverse individuals. Highlight the positive impact these adjustments can have on employee well-being, productivity, and overall job satisfaction.

Shared experiences – Encourage a willing neurodiverse team member to share their insights about the way they perceive the workplace. This experience-sharing session can provide valuable perspectives and practical advice to fellow employees.

A Q&A session – Consider running such a session with AsperIT or another expert organization in the field. This opportunity will allow employees to ask questions, clarify doubts, and deepen their understanding of neurodiversity.

By creating these resources and encouraging ongoing education and awareness, companies can make significant strides towards embracing neurodiversity and fostering an inclusive workplace culture.

Neurodiversity in the context of leadership

Ola underlines the importance of training managers on how to embrace working with neurodiverse team members. Below are just a few of her top tips, grounded in our experience at 10Clouds:

Tips for line managers collaborating with neurodiverse team members:

Foster psychological safety: Create an environment where your team members feel comfortable and safe to open up about their unique experiences and reactions. Encourage open communication and understanding.

Learn about neurodiversity: Educate yourself about neurodiversity and different conditions such as synesthesia. Understand that perceptions and experiences may vary, and individuals may have specific triggers or sensitivities.

Provide visual information: Share visualizations or detailed descriptions of processes or meetings in advance. This allows neurodiverse individuals to prepare themselves emotionally and mentally, reducing anxiety or stress.

Ask about camera preferences: Let your team members choose whether they want their camera on or off during online meetings. Respect their preferences and provide flexibility to create a comfortable environment.

Provide a clear and structured pathway for tasks: Clearly define expectations, deadlines, and steps involved in the process. This helps individuals with neurodiversity navigate tasks more effectively.

By following these tips, line managers can foster an inclusive and collaborative work environment that supports the diverse needs of their team members with neurodiversity.

Want to learn more?

Feel free to reach out to us directly for workshops, guidance and insights on becoming a neurodiversity friendly workspace: HELLO@10CLOUDS.COM.

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