

HTML5 is an umbrella term that contains both HTML markup language and some adjoining technologies used to develop web pages and applications. It’s an evolving, living standard managed W3C and WHATWG. Along with languages like JavaScript and CSS it allows to define the contents of web pages, how they look and interact with the user.


The main uses of HTML5 + CSS:

It’s the bread-and-butter of web pages and applications.

Can be used to create desktop and mobile applications using tools like Electron.js and technologies like PWA or React Native.

01 It's commonly known

All developers would have come across it at some point in their work.

02 It allows you to create apps quickly and easily

It’s a cross-platform tool that allows you to create applications quickly and (relatively) easily.

03 It's extremely flexible

At this moment there are virtually no user-facing applications that can’t be implemented using HTML5 (along with CSS and JS) as the presentation layer.


Devs skilled in this technology


Projects in which it's been used


of lines of code

HTML is the bread and butter of web pages and apps. We must remember that in a world of constantly evolving frameworks and new languages, it’s vital to know the basics and ensure that you get these right.”
Radosław Litman
JavaScript developer

HTML5 + CSS articles on our blog
